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RS Class Association Coaching Grants

Would you like to arrange an RS Coaching Day at your club?

The RS Class Association are keen to support training and coaching for those new to the our classes, as well as for more experienced sailors.

We have some of our RS Class Association coaching budget for 2022 left and would welcome approaches from sailors interested in arranging club coaching, either during the remainder of this year, or between January and April 2023.

We are able to award a £100 RS Class Association grant towards the cost of a coach, RIB, fuel or other costs. Costs above £100 would need to be recouped from a charge to the sailors or met by the host club. The group should be a minimum of 5 boats and the day open to sailors from other local clubs - we will post the coaching day on our website calendar.  At least one participant per boat needs to be a member of the RS Class Association or take out one-event membership (can be upgraded to annual membership during the year if required).

The organiser will need to arrange the details, e.g. booking a coach, agreeing date/timings, cost/boat, liaison with the club etc. Your class committee may be able to help with finding a suitable coach.

If we receive more interest than we have funds available, we will try and make sure that we pick clubs spread around the classes and regions and will look at funding the remainder from the 2023 budget.

To apply for a grant, please contact [email protected] with the club name, the class, an apporximate date range for the coaching, brief details about how many sailors in the class you have at your club, the aim/need for the coaching and any other information that you think will be useful. A few lines is enough, we're not looking for an essay!

We will review all enquiries received by 30th November together, but we also welcome enquiries after this date, for any remaining 2022 budget or for 2023. 

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