Such a busy time of year, and with another bank holiday coming up, we wanted to give you plenty of notice of the early entry deadline on 31st May.
Great to see 11 entries on the list already!
Full details and online entry here
Undecided? Our FAQs might help you
Q - I don't know my RS Class Association Membership number/boat number/ANO detail.
A - If you are waiting for membership number to come through, you can enter a randon number for now. All other details can be changed later
Q - I'm not sure I'm experienced enough.
A - the RS600 Nationals are for ALL RS600 sailors. Spot prizes will give everyone a chance to win something and the coaching day will help with boat handling and set up.
Q - It seems quite expensive
A1 - We know there is a cost of living crisis, and yes £120 iniitally sounds like a lot of money, but for 3 days of racing, plus the informal coaching, we think it is actually incredibly good value, especially when compared to other activities. Just think of the race team, the safety team, the shore crew, the house team - that's a lot of voluntary man hours, all willing given to help the club thrive and make the event as good as possible. Plus for that you also get free camping, the Championship dinner and lots of other extras! We'd even go so far as to bet you'd spend more on the average weeknd at home!
Q - It's a long way
A - Yes, for some it is, but it's worth it for such a friendly, welcoming venue, great sailing waters and the biggest event of the RS600 clelndar.
Q - I don't know anyone
A - The fleet really are very welcoming, you'll soon get to know everyoner.
Q - I don't have anywhere to stay
A - Camp on site for free or see the event website for suggestions, if you find a larger property, we suggest posting on the class Facebook group, as others may be looking to share.
Q - I don't have a boat
A - Well, yes we admit this is a difficult one! However there are some for sale at various budgets through sites like RS Used Boats and Kit, Apollo Duck, the R600 Facebook Group and dealers such as West Country Boat Repairs and Mike Saul - if they know you are looking they can often help you find a boat that isn't on the open market.
Q - You haven't answered my question
A - Get in touch and we'll do all we can to help. Email Class Secretary Sally